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The difference between thermal printer and dot matrix printer printing


The difference between thermal printer and dot matrix printer printing method:

1. Needle printing


The dot matrix printer forms fonts by hitting a medium such as paper with a needle in the print head. In use, users can choose multi-page paper according to their needs. Generally, the commonly used multi-page paper is 2-page, 3-page, 4-page paper, and there are also 6-page printer paper. Only dot matrix printers can quickly complete multi-page printing at one time.

The characteristic of needle printing technology is that the needle hits the medium, and the force of the needle will be transmitted to the paper medium through the ribbon, which can print multiple copies of carbon paper. Due to the subtle differences in needles, the printed document is unique and difficult to fake.

But needle printing also has its disadvantages, that is, the printing is slow! Stylus printing has a slower printing speed due to the reciprocating movement of the needle. Secondly, the ribbon of the dot matrix printer needs to be replaced frequently, the operation is cumbersome and the printing cost is high.

Common applications: invoice printing, ticket printing, etc.

2. Thermal printing


A thermal printer is equipped with a semiconductor heating element on the print head. After the print head is heated and contacts the thermal printing paper, it prints the desired pattern, which is similar to a thermal fax machine. The image is created by heating, which creates a chemical reaction in the film.

Compared with needle type printing, the advantage of thermal printing is that it is fast, because the paper of thermal printers can be printed out in seconds because of the use of a print head designed with the same width as the medium to be printed.

However, thermal printing also has its shortcomings. Because thermal paper is greatly disturbed by the ambient temperature, the printed bills will be stored for a short time, and the printed bills will fade and blur in about three months, which will be difficult to identify.

Common applications: Dining receipt printing, takeaway order printing, shopping receipts, warehousing, insurance, water and electricity companies, meter reading systems, police communications, as well as telecommunications, banking, taxation, postal services, supermarkets, petroleum and petrochemicals, airports, high-end bar department stores, etc. place..

So how to choose between thermal and dot matrix printers?

Many customers know that they need to print receipts, but do not know how to choose between thermal and dot matrix printers. It's actually very simple: look at the needs!

If the receipts you need to print need to be unique and stored for a long time, then choose a dot matrix printer product; if you are more concerned about the printing speed and the printing information does not need to be stored for a long time, then you can choose a thermal printer.